African American Chamber of Commerce Central Florida Presents the 2021 Eagle Awards

2021 Eagle Awards

The African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida (AACCCF) and Walt Disney World Resort proudly present the 2021 Eagle Awards. Due to the risk of COVID-19, we invite you to join us virtually as we film at the ESPN Studios from Walt Disney Wide World of Sports. Though we are unable to gather in person this year, we still celebrate all our small businesses and entrepreneurs who are enduring challenging times and have made quick adjustments to keep their businesses running. We admire the ingenuity and resilience of our small business owners who make it through all manners of crises, especially COVID-19. This past year has shown us how much the Central Florida community has gone to incredible lengths under the circumstances to maintain their businesses and the well-being of their employees.

Through your generous support, the AACCCF is able to continue in its commitment to educate, enlighten, and empower our community and local businesses, a commitment that has driven the African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida for the past 75 years.