Digital Animation & Visual Effects School (“DAVE”) supports prospective and current students, as well as faculty, staff, and other members of the DAVE community, to access the information they need in order to make informed decisions regarding their education and career. To that end, we have provided this Consumer Information section, which includes information regarding, among other things, our schools’ operations, facilities, programs, policies, financial aid opportunities available to our students, and various consumer disclosures.
The information is intended to supplement the information provided in our Catalog, and other publications. In some instances, this section indicates where additional information relating to a subject may be located, either in one of our publications, on the official DAVE website, or on a third-party website.
This website also serves to notify current and prospective students regarding the availability and location of consumer information in accordance with certain state and federal laws applicable to our campuses.
For assistance with any of the consumer information discussed herein, prospective and current students may contact the Campus Director at any of our schools during regular business hours. Requests also may be e-mailed to
Catalog PDF
The Campus Catalog contains a wide variety of consumer information, including information relating to academic programs, facilities, courses, costs, financial aid, and institutional policies. To view the Campus Catalog please click on the link below.
Addendum to current catalog
Academic Units
NUC has four additional academic units: NUC University – IBC Technical Division (NUC-IBC), NUC University – Florida Technical College (NUC-FTC), The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School (The DAVE School); and Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA). Information about NUC, NUC-IBC, NUC-FTC, The DAVE School, and HAA is available at,,,, and
NUC University (NUC) is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission) NUC’s NUC University – IBC Technical Division (NUC-IBC), NUC University – Florida Technical College (NUC-FTC), The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School (The DAVE School), and Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA) are included in this accreditation. NUC’s accreditation status is Accreditation Reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on 2019 was to reaffirm accreditation. MSCHE is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidate status) activities for institutions of higher education including distance, correspondence education, and direct assessment programs offered at those institutions. The Commission’s geographic area of accrediting activities is throughout the United States.
NUC has four additional academic units: NUC University – IBC Technical Division (NUC-IBC), NUC University – Florida Technical College (NUC-FTC), The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School (The DAVE School); and Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA). Information about NUC, NUC-IBC, NUC-FTC, The DAVE School, and HAA is available at,,,, and
The Digital Animation & Visual Effects (DAVE) School, NUC University – Florida Technical College, and NUC University – South Florida Campus are licensed by the Florida Commission for Independent Education, License Numbers 2319, 2342, 2343, 2344, 2715, 4526, 4639, 5295, and 5635.
DAVE School is a member of the Florida Association of Postsecondary Schools and Colleges.
NOTICE: Credits and degrees earned from colleges which are licensed in the State of Florida do not necessarily qualify the holder to participate in professional licensing examinations in Florida. Any person interested in practicing a regulated profession in Florida should contact the appropriate State regulatory agency in the field of his or her interest.
Registered Sex Offenders / Sexual Predators in Florida
In 1996, Megan’s Law became federal law. Megan’s Law requires state and local law enforcement agencies in all 50 states to notify colleges, schools, day care centers and parents about the presence of dangerous offenders. The Florida Department of Corrections advises NUC-FTC when registered sexual offenders / sexual predators may be enrolling or may be enrolled. Information regarding registered sex offenders / sexual predators in Florida may be found at the FDLE Registered Sex Offenders website at; by phone 1-888-357-7332, TTY/TTD users dial 711 to connect with the telecommunications relay service (TRS); or by email at
Annual FERPA Rights Notification
Annual FERPA Rights Notification PDF
Student Right to Know
Student Right to Know PDF
Campus Security and Drug Free School/Workplace Policies
Campus Safety and Security Annual Report – Drug-Free Campus / Workplace Policies PDF
Period of Obligation
The period of obligation for Digital Graphic Design students is the academic term and/or payment period. The period of obligation for Visual Effects Production, Game Production, and Virtual Production students is the program length.
• All students are charged a one-time application fee of $75.00, which is excluded from all refundable amounts. Additionally, international students are also charged an initial tuition deposit in the amount of $10,000 USD. Both the one-time application fee and the international tuition deposits are excluded from all refundable amounts. All technology package purchases are also excluded from refundable amounts.
• All tuition and fees are due and payable on the first day of the period of obligation. The school reserves the right to change, without notice, the tuition and fees herein stated. The school also reserves the right to withhold a grade report, diploma, or transcript until all other requirements for that program or term have been met.
•Failure in a course or withdrawal from a course does not give the student the right to repeat the course without additional charges.
Add/Drop Period
The add/drop period is the first week for which the student is financially committed. If the student withdraws before the end of the add/drop period, the student will be refunded all tuition and fees, as well as any funds paid for supplies, books, or equipment which can be and are returned to the institution. No adjustments will be made for courses dropped after this date. Please refer to the refund policies set forth below for more information.
Institutional Refund Policy
The withdrawal date for refund calculation purposes will be the last date of attendance. Refunds shall be calculated as follows:
Percent of Period of Obligation Attended: Percent of Tuition to be refunded:
Up to 10%……………………………………………90%
More than 10% to 20%……………………80%
More than 20% to 30%……………………30%
More than 30% to 50%……………………25%
More than 50%…………………………………….0%
Cancellation and Withdrawal
If the School does not accept the enrollment, the Student is entitled to a full refund of all monies paid to the School. The Student has the right to cancel the Contract at any time before commencement of classes. All monies due the Student will be refunded within thirty (30) days from the date of cancellation or failure to appear on or before the first day of class. If the Student finds it necessary to withdraw prior to completion of the program, he/she can be refunded all unearned tuition and fees by giving the School notification in writing. All monies due the Student shall be refunded within thirty (30) days from the withdrawal date (the date the School establishes the withdrawal or upon written notification from the Student).
If the School determines that the Student did not begin the withdrawal process or otherwise notify the School of the intent to withdraw due to illness, accident, grievous personal loss, or other circumstances beyond the Student’s control, the School may determine the appropriate withdrawal date.
The School may use the Student’s withdrawal date as the Student’s last date of attendance at an academically related activity provided that the School documents that the activity is academically related and documents the Student’s attendance at the activity.
The School reserves the right to cancel the Contract in instances where the prospective student has intentionally misrepresented or provided fraudulent information during the enrollment process.
The Student may cancel this transaction without penalty or obligation within three (3) business days from the date that this Contract was executed excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
Additional Refund Policies
Veterans Refund Policy
The Refund of the unused portion of tuition, fees and other charges for veterans or eligible persons who fail to enter a course, withdraw or discontinue prior to completion will be made for all amounts paid which exceed the appropriate prorated portion of the total charges that the length of the completed portion of the course bears to the total length of the course. The proration will be determined on the ratio of the number of days or hours of instruction completed by the student to the total number of instructional days or hours remaining in the course.