The Dave School difference Career roadmap

Do you have a passion for creating iconic film scenes or interactive worlds with stunning visual feedback that defy the human imagination but don’t know where to begin?

Our programs at DAVE will help you gain the skills you need to enter the Gaming and Film industry and turn your passion into a reality.

Steps to a
career advancement


Start with learning the right skill set

The Industry is all about skill! DAVE promotes studio-ready philosophies and immerses students through an intensive, 30 hours per week — 50 week diploma program, pushing the limits of what is possible through valued academic and industry partnerships.

video Career Roadmap


Connect with Career Services

Our focus is to get you #CareerReady so you can work in the industry– and you don’t have to navigate it alone! We have a career services coordinator here to help you.


While working, extend your reach with a Bachelor’s Degree

Once you are at work turning your dreams a reality, you can continue with us from anywhere in the world by adding on our fully online Bachelor’s degree tract.

Summary of benefits

  • Save time
    12 months diploma
  • Study in a studio environment
    With Industry experts
  • Learn skills
    Utilizing a real studio pipeline
  • Career Services to help

stand out
in a competitive job market

Employment opportunities

Gaming & interactive entertainment

3D Modeler
Environment Artist
Prop Artist
Texture Artist
Technical Artist

Visual Effects

3D Modeler
Environment Artist
Prop Artist
Texture Artist

*These examples are intended to serve only as a general guide of possible employment opportunities. There are many factors that determine the job an individual may obtain and DAVE School cannot guarantee its graduates any particular job. Some positions may require a license, degree, experience or other industry certifications. We encourage you to research the requirements for the particular position you desire.